project ini saya buat bersama tmn2 sekelempok saya untuk memenuhi tugas akhir mata kuliah TV post-production and editing. dalam program Tour de Jakarta ini saya berperan sebagai scriptwriter dan juga switcher.
Production script.
Cam 1: middle shot at Adila
Adila : “Good morning travel lovers! Happy lovely Saturday for you all. I’m Dila and you’re watching the newest and the most fun program about tourism, Tour de Jakarta!
Cam 1 : MCU at Adila
Adila : This is the show where you can get information about the unique and wonderful place to go in Jakarta. Also the budget to spend while we explore it. Well, be proud to be part of Jakarta, everyone! Because this city has so much places that waiting to be explored.
Cam 2 : wide shot at studio
Adila : And in this episode, I’ll be accompanied by Annisa Fitri, one of Abang-None finalist. How are you today? We’re going to discuss about how we can help promoting Jakarta to the world.
Can’t wait to hear it!
Cam 1 MCU at Adila
Adila : Ok, so what are you waiting for?
Are you ready to explore our capital city now?
Let’s check it out!
We already choose Monas as the trademark of Jakarta. After that, we move on to Jakarta Tempo Doeloe, or known as Jakarta Old City as one of the place that have to be explored.
This place is great, feel like we still in the 19th century.
Curious how Monas and Jakarta Old City could be so interesting?
Let’s go there!
Cam 2 wide shot at studio
Adila : Still with me Dila, and my guest star, miss…….. in Tour de Jakarta!
Ok miss …, how do you think about Monas as our trademark?
Cam 3 MCU at Annisa
Annisa : ...
Cam 2 MCU at Studio
Adila : Yeah, that’s right/I agree with you!
Cam 1 MCU at Adila
Adila : Then, what about the Old City? Do you agree that Old City is one of historical sides of Jakarta, and deserve to have special treatment from government?
Cam 3 MCU at Annisa
Annisa : …
Cam 1 MCU at Adila
Adila : Ya, we have to keep maintaining our historical area that still last until now. We should proud to have it.
Cam 2 Wide shot at studio
Adila :Next on, get ready to find out what’s in Sunda Kelapa Harbour. Stay in Tour de Jakarta.
Cam 2 Wide shot at studio
Adila : Back with me Dila, and my guest star, Annisa in Tour de Jakarta!
Cam 1 MCU at Adila
Adila :Well, after touring Monas and The Old City, where will we go? Hmm, how about somewhere far away from the heart of Jakarta? Somewhere in north of Jakarta?
Yes … let’s explore Sunda Kelapa Harbor!
CAM 2 Wide shot at studio
Adila : So, what do you think about Sunda Kelapa Harbor? Is it decent to be promoted?
How we promote that places to travelers?
Cam 3 MCU at Annisa
Annisa : …
Cam 2 Wide shot at studio
Adila : Well, after this I’ll show you special event in Jakarta. So, don’t go anywhere! Stay in Tour de Jakarta!
CAM 2 Wide shot at studio
Adila : Still with me Dila, and my guest star, miss Annisa in Tour de Jakarta!
Well, have you ever came to an event in Jakarta, miss Annisa?
What kind of event do you like to go here? Then, why?
Do you think events in Jakarta could influence to promote Jakarta? Could you tell me about it!
Cam 3 MCU at Annisa
Annisa : …
Cam 1 MCU at Adila
Adila :Ok, talking about event, I have special event for you in Whats on Jakarta.
Check it out!
CAM 2 Wide shot at studio
Adila : So, we already saw 3 tourism places in Jakarta, such a nice place, right miss Annisa??
So, what actions do you suggest to our audience, to help promote Jakarta’s tourism places?
Cam 3 MCU at Annisa
Annisa : ...
Cam 2 Wide shot at studio
Adila : Nice answer. Well miss, thank you for coming and sharing here with us. Success for your career.
Cam 1 MCU at Adila
Adila : See guys, Jakarta has a lot of nice and fun places, you have to come and experience it your self.
Cam 2 wide shot at studio
Adila : Well, we’ve been half an hour accompanied you guys, and it’s time for me to say goodbye.
Remember, keep loving and caring our Jakarta.
I’m Dila and all crew of Tour de Jakarta wishing you a happy weekend, we’ll see you next week in same time and channel. Bye all…

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"A goal without a plan is just a wish."
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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